Saturday, January 08, 2011
Time marches on.... Sims 3 Prosperity?
I really loved playing this prosperity challenge, and this long afterwards, I amazingly still miss these families... Especially the Gemini brothers, and my Grilled Cheese Elders...
However, shortly after my last post, my balky computer crashed again, and for the last time...
By the time I finally had a new computer, I had lost my place on the challenge, and wasn't sure I could regain it... Around my daughter I no longer had a lot of time to play anyway, so I didn't reinstall the old 'hood, or try the challenge again...
I'm STILL tempted too.. As I said, I LOVED it...
Right now, however, I'm playing Sims 3.
I have up until now only played one family at a time on Sims 3, due to the 'hood progression feature... but I'd actually like to try a true neibhorhood...
Considering this, I wanted a structured way to plan and control which Sims I played and for how long.... The best fit I could think of for this was the Prosperity Challenge. I cannot find Prosperity Challenge Rules for Sims 3... Well, I found one person's attempted rules... but they didn't look very usable.
( )
Unless I can find better rules, I'm thinking of making my own.
For this, I'm thinking of trying two versions of Prosperity myself, and seeing if either are workable around the challenges of the Sims 3 format.
Sims 3 Prosperity - Basic.
- For this you uncheck the enable story progression option...
Sims 3 Prosperity Alive!!
- Keep the progression option, and just deal with household changes that occur without your control.
I haven't completely figured out all the problems that will be encountered, but I will use this post and comments to it to brainstorm, and maybe have a few people chime in with their feedback and ideas. :)
One problem, maybe only with "Alive!", maybe with both... As I said, I haven't actually tried playing multiple households yet... I'll do that in a testing phase once I have more of an idea what I'm trying to achieve...
---one problem will be scoring Elders, and other Sims too; as they may die while you are not playing them...
I think the best option for this, is every time you play a family, the last thing you do before moving to the next is jot down their scorable stats. If they die during another part of the round, their score as of the end of their last playing session is their score. (stats, LTW achieved, amount of Reward points... [Should only the Unspent Total be scored? or also scores for rewards bought?] etc.)
---In the old post I linked with proposed rules, the author began with removal of all non-challenge Sims from the 'hood...
This actually seems to have CAUSED problems... - Even with story progression off, When your active Sim needed Co-Workers, the game would grab a random other Sim (one of your Challenge Sims, because they were the only ones in the neighborhood) remove them from their current career, and make them co-workers with your Sim.
I propose leaving the "Townies" for Job Fodder, as well as marital Fodder, etc... And just either choose a world with an empty street to colonize with your challenge Sims, (there IS one, I forget which one it is though.. I have 3 hoods in my game) OR use the move houses feature to rearrange your 'hood so that you have a nice empty area for your Challenge Sims. - you can also evict Townies from small households and merge them in with other households.
AFTER your neiborhood is prepared, you would place lots and houses for your challenge Sims, and roll and place them. (OR you could use small prebuilt homes... I tend to build since you can work within your sim's budgets...)
Even WITH townies for an employee pool, one of your Challenge Sims may occasionally get tapped for a job change, but that's just one of the obstacles they face towards reaching their goals. - Likely with this issue, Top Of Career LTWs should be scored with an extra (5?) points due to the added difficulty.
--- The post I linked above also had a convoluted Rolling system for traits, declaring them 'Bad-Good-or Neutral' and you could choose out of the 3 types of trait depending on your roll... Even though it gives you NO control, I think a simple in-game "Randomize" will work better.... If others like the ability to have a little choice in the matter, we could go with his rules instead... or let you choose one of the 2 methods.
--- One problem I anticipate IF you allow Story Progression, is you may find one or some of your challenge Sims marrying and moving out while you are not playing their households... When this happens, from the edit town screen you CAN move them, their spouse, and their children if they have any, out of wherever they moved TO, and either into their original home, or their family home. - We'd either need to make exceptions for the only one move per life-phase rule, or totally revamp it... Lets say Only one move per life phase EXCEPT for corrective moves.. AND no moving into a Non-Challenge inhabitted house. (I think moving your family in with your Rich boyfriend, and moving his townie family into YOUR old house [House-Trading] would be a challenge-breaker...)
I had more ideas, but am temporarily drawing a blank... took me too long to get to the computer, I've been thinking about it all last night and this morning. :)
I do not want to actually start this challenge until I get and install "late night"... maybe someone will give me my birthday present early. :) But I hope to have some good roughed out rules to test before then.
Anyone want to chime in?
However, shortly after my last post, my balky computer crashed again, and for the last time...
By the time I finally had a new computer, I had lost my place on the challenge, and wasn't sure I could regain it... Around my daughter I no longer had a lot of time to play anyway, so I didn't reinstall the old 'hood, or try the challenge again...
I'm STILL tempted too.. As I said, I LOVED it...
Right now, however, I'm playing Sims 3.
I have up until now only played one family at a time on Sims 3, due to the 'hood progression feature... but I'd actually like to try a true neibhorhood...
Considering this, I wanted a structured way to plan and control which Sims I played and for how long.... The best fit I could think of for this was the Prosperity Challenge. I cannot find Prosperity Challenge Rules for Sims 3... Well, I found one person's attempted rules... but they didn't look very usable.
( )
Unless I can find better rules, I'm thinking of making my own.
For this, I'm thinking of trying two versions of Prosperity myself, and seeing if either are workable around the challenges of the Sims 3 format.
Sims 3 Prosperity - Basic.
- For this you uncheck the enable story progression option...
Sims 3 Prosperity Alive!!
- Keep the progression option, and just deal with household changes that occur without your control.
I haven't completely figured out all the problems that will be encountered, but I will use this post and comments to it to brainstorm, and maybe have a few people chime in with their feedback and ideas. :)
One problem, maybe only with "Alive!", maybe with both... As I said, I haven't actually tried playing multiple households yet... I'll do that in a testing phase once I have more of an idea what I'm trying to achieve...
---one problem will be scoring Elders, and other Sims too; as they may die while you are not playing them...
I think the best option for this, is every time you play a family, the last thing you do before moving to the next is jot down their scorable stats. If they die during another part of the round, their score as of the end of their last playing session is their score. (stats, LTW achieved, amount of Reward points... [Should only the Unspent Total be scored? or also scores for rewards bought?] etc.)
---In the old post I linked with proposed rules, the author began with removal of all non-challenge Sims from the 'hood...
This actually seems to have CAUSED problems... - Even with story progression off, When your active Sim needed Co-Workers, the game would grab a random other Sim (one of your Challenge Sims, because they were the only ones in the neighborhood) remove them from their current career, and make them co-workers with your Sim.
I propose leaving the "Townies" for Job Fodder, as well as marital Fodder, etc... And just either choose a world with an empty street to colonize with your challenge Sims, (there IS one, I forget which one it is though.. I have 3 hoods in my game) OR use the move houses feature to rearrange your 'hood so that you have a nice empty area for your Challenge Sims. - you can also evict Townies from small households and merge them in with other households.
AFTER your neiborhood is prepared, you would place lots and houses for your challenge Sims, and roll and place them. (OR you could use small prebuilt homes... I tend to build since you can work within your sim's budgets...)
Even WITH townies for an employee pool, one of your Challenge Sims may occasionally get tapped for a job change, but that's just one of the obstacles they face towards reaching their goals. - Likely with this issue, Top Of Career LTWs should be scored with an extra (5?) points due to the added difficulty.
--- The post I linked above also had a convoluted Rolling system for traits, declaring them 'Bad-Good-or Neutral' and you could choose out of the 3 types of trait depending on your roll... Even though it gives you NO control, I think a simple in-game "Randomize" will work better.... If others like the ability to have a little choice in the matter, we could go with his rules instead... or let you choose one of the 2 methods.
--- One problem I anticipate IF you allow Story Progression, is you may find one or some of your challenge Sims marrying and moving out while you are not playing their households... When this happens, from the edit town screen you CAN move them, their spouse, and their children if they have any, out of wherever they moved TO, and either into their original home, or their family home. - We'd either need to make exceptions for the only one move per life-phase rule, or totally revamp it... Lets say Only one move per life phase EXCEPT for corrective moves.. AND no moving into a Non-Challenge inhabitted house. (I think moving your family in with your Rich boyfriend, and moving his townie family into YOUR old house [House-Trading] would be a challenge-breaker...)
I had more ideas, but am temporarily drawing a blank... took me too long to get to the computer, I've been thinking about it all last night and this morning. :)
I do not want to actually start this challenge until I get and install "late night"... maybe someone will give me my birthday present early. :) But I hope to have some good roughed out rules to test before then.
Anyone want to chime in?